" wE CaN MaKe a DiFfErEnCe"

mAtHaN The qUiZZer ( 25-11-09)

ans: BIAL

2.Which company has bagged a Rs.5600 crore contract from an arm of Jay Prakash Association for setting up 1980 MW thermal power plant in U.P?
ans: BHEL

3.who is the new CEO of HDFC Standard Life who has recenty resigned from Infosys BPO?
ans: Amitabh Chaudhary

4.HCL Security has signed an agreement with which US technology firm for developing IP based safety and security solution?
ans: CISCO

5. 1st indian opening pair to post double century stand ?
ans: Gambir and Sehwag

6. Expand NAFED.
ans : National Agricultural coorperative marketing Fedaration of India

7. Which bank expects to receive approval from RBI and Doha govt. to set up a branch in Doha , in the 1st wek of december.

8. Who is the ceo of FORD MOTORS?
ans : Alan Mullaly

9."Indian earth observation visualization" is the tagline of which organization?
ans: ISRO

10. Who is known as the " Indian WARREN BUFFET " , who is in the 58th position among the Indian Billionaires according to Forbes magazine?
ans: Rakesh jhunjhunwala

1 comment:

  1. Dear Seniors!
    Congratulations for your consistent efforts towards excellence. Kindly guide me on paper presentations.

